SAP C_TSCM52_64 Certification questions
SAP C_TSCM52_64 Certification questions SAP Certified Application Associate – Procurement with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP4 could be the lighthouse in your career life because it includes everything required to pass C_TSCM52_64 exam. Choosing SAP C_TSCM52_64 Certification questions to help you pass the exam is a wise decision since it makes you faraway from those terrible studying days. Now, you have a helper. You can get double the result by doing half the work. SAP C_TSCM52_64 Certification questions help to ensure that you pass any SAP C_TSCM52_64 exam effortlessly. Anybody who doesn’t pass can get to come back all of buy costs in C_TSCM52_64 exam. To remove the final be concerned when shopping at, they have SAP C_TSCM52_64 Certification questions. Like this, you may earn good plan dependant upon your individual ruling rather then might know about claim.
What does an account group determine when vendor master records are created?
(Choose three.)
A. The number range in which a vendor master record must be created for this account group
B. The default setting of the info update indicator in purchase orders for vendors in this account group
C. The field selection when a vendor master record is created for vendors in this account group
D. The interval of the number assignment (internal or external)
E. The sequence of tab pages when a vendor master record is created for vendors in this account group
Answer: A,C,D
Which assignment can be made for the organizational object “purchasing organization”?
A. A purchasing organization can be assigned to multiple company codes
B. A purchasing organization can be assigned to multiple controlling areas
C. A purchasing organization can be assigned to multiple plants
D. Multiple purchasing groups can be assigned to a purchasing organization
Answer: C
Which field attribute is given the highest priority in the field selection control?
A. Optional field
B. Required entry field
C. Suppress
D. Display
Answer: C
At what level can you set quantity and value updating on a material type?
A. Plant
B. Company code
C. Valuation area
D. Procurement type
Answer: C
You procure a material using the “Consignment” process. You want to ensure that purchase requisitions with the “Consignment” item category are generated automatically for requirements in requirements planning.
Which of the following settings allows you to do this?
(Choose two.)
A. Enter “Consignment” as the special procurement type in the material master record.
B. Create a consignment info record for the relevant material and enter it as a fixed source of supply in the source list.
C. Activate the quota arrangement for the relevant material and create a quota arrangement item using “Consignment” as the special procurement type.
D. Create a consignment info record for the relevant material and select the “Regular Vendor” indicator in the record.
Answer: A,C
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